Tax News

Hardyston Township Tax Department Friendly Reminders and Information
DETAILS (updated Oct 2025)

Tax Assessment Cards
Many people use them for their taxes. Their purpose is to advise you of your tax assessment and
your right to file a tax appeal.

FYI, If you need a copy of what you paid for 2023 or 2024 for property taxes to file your income
tax paperwork or otherwise, you can access that information here:

Municipal Software Tax and Utility Lookup System (

▶️Enter address or Block/Lot. Not both.
▶️Hit “Submit Search”
▶️Scroll down and access 2023 or 2024 and print

Questions about taxes paid? Contact the Tax Collector, 973-823
7020 ext. 9446

Questions about Tax Appeals, click here:

Tax Payment Information

Mail: Hardyston Township, Tax Collector, 149 Wheatsworth Road, Hardyston, NJ 07419
Drop off: Hardyston Township Municipal Building Monday-Friday between the hours of 8:30 am-4:30 pm
                May also be placed in the drop box to the left of the main entrance after hours
Checks:  made payable to “Hardyston Township”. Include all tax stubs for taxes you are paying and a return envelope for any papers you wish returned

Taxes not paid by November 11 are subject to tax sale. Hardyston Township does permit a 10 day grace period

Please be advised:
– State of New Jersey does not allow the Tax Collector to acknowledge postmarks when you mail your tax payment
– Taxes must be received in the office on or before the 10th of the month taxes are due
Failure to receive a tax bill does not exempt you from paying your taxes or the interest due on delinquent taxes.*Tax Collector is not responsible for any tax payment that is lost through the mailing process  

  • If by chance your taxes get lost in the mail, you are still responsible for the tax payment and any interest incurred. 

Hardyston residents can now pay their taxes electronically through MuniciPAY. Credit cards and e-checks can be used for a small service charge that is added to each electronic payment.


Access tax records online

New Jersey Property Tax Relief:

How Taxes are Calculated

Hardyston residents can now pay their taxes electronically through MUNICIPAY.

Property Tax Information
Quarterly property taxes are due on the following dates:  2/1, 5/1, 8/1 & 11/1. There is a 10 day grace period.  Interest charges will accrue for payments received after the grace period. Please contact the Tax Collector’s office at 973-823-7020 with any questions or concerns. Please note a drop box has been installed at the main entrance of the Municipal Building for your convenience.

$250 Veterans Property Tax Deduction

*Effective December 4, 2020, State law (P.L. 2019, c. 413) eliminates the wartime service requirement for the $250 Veterans Property Tax Deduction. Veterans must have active duty service with an honorable discharge. Reservists and National Guard personnel must be called to active duty service to qualify. Active duty for training continues to be ineligible.

If you are an honorably discharged veteran with active duty military service, you may qualify for an annual $250 Property Tax Deduction.

You also may qualify if you are a surviving spouse/civil union/domestic partner of an honorably discharged veteran with active duty military service.

Eligibility Requirements

With respect to the $250 Veterans Property Tax Deduction, the pretax year is October 1st.

To qualify, as of October 1 of the pretax year, you must:

  • Be a legal resident of New Jersey;
  • Own the property;
  • Have active duty service in the United States Armed Forces with an honorable discharge.

Eligibility Requirements for Surviving Spouse/Civil Union/Domestic Partner

To qualify, as of October 1 of the pretax year, you must:

  • Be a legal resident of New Jersey;
  • Own the property;
  • Confirm one of the following:
    • The military service person died on active duty – or –
    • The deceased veteran had active duty service in the United States Armed Forces with an honorable discharge
  • Document that the deceased veteran or military service person was a resident of New Jersey at the time of death;
  • Have not remarried or formed a new registered civil union/domestic partnership.

Acceptable Documentation (Documentary Proof)

  • Death Certificate;
  • Deed;
  • Probated Will;
  • Marriage/Civil Union/Domestic Partner Certificate;
  • Military Records (DD 214):
  • New Jersey Driver’s License;
  • New Jersey Voter’s Registration.

How to Apply:

File Form V.S.S.  and all documentary proofs with tax collector.

$250 Senior Citizens and Disabled Persons Property Tax Deduction

If you are age 65 or older, or disabled, and have been a New Jersey resident for at least one year, you may be eligible for an annual $250 property tax deduction.

You also may qualify if you are a surviving spouse or civil union partner.

Eligibility Requirements and Income Guidelines

You must be age 65 or older, or disabled (with a Physician’s Certificate or Social Security document) as of December 31 of the pretax year.

To qualify, you must:

Eligibility Requirements for Surviving Spouse/ Civil Union Partner

You may be eligible for the deduction when your spouse passes away .

  • The deduction must be on the same home for which the deceased spouse received the deduction in his/her lifetime;
  • You must be age 55 or older at the time of the deceased spouse’s death;
  • You must be age 55 or older as of December 31 of the pretax year.

To qualify you must:

  • Be a New Jersey resident and citizen for at least one year prior to October 1;
  • File a timely application;
    • Have owned and occupied your home for at least one year prior to October 1;
    • Provide proof that your spouse/civil union partner is deceased;
    • Have not remarried or formed a new registered civil union partnership;
    • Have not exceeded the income threshold (see Income Guidelines for Real Property Tax Deductions ).

Acceptable Documentation (Documentary Proofs)

  • Birth Certificate;
  • Death Certificate;
  • Deed;
  • Marriage/Civil Union Certificate;
  • New Jersey Driver’s License;
  • Physician’s Certificate;
  • Social Security Document;
  • State Tax Return;
  • Probated Will.

How to Apply

File Form PTD  and all documentary proofs with tax collector.