Dispatch: 973-823-7022
Records: 973-823-7022
Fax: 973-823-7034
General Email: police@hardyston.com (not monitored 24/7)
Records Dept Email: policerecords@hardyston.com (not monitored 24/7)
Directory Listing
Hardyston Police Facebook Page
Internal Affairs
How Do I:
- Obtain copies of reports such as police or crash reports, or request records through the Open Public Records Act (OPRA)
- Report a crime or quality of life issue.
- Apply for a Firearms ID Card or permit
- Apply for an accessible parking permit for persons with disabilities
- Schedule a tour of the police department, request a child safety seat inspection from a NHTSA certified inspector, request that my child or youth organization participate in a fingerprinting event, contact the police department regarding a community outreach initiative
- Register my alarm for my home or business
- Project Medicine Drop
How to obtain copies of reports such as police or crash reports, or request records through the Open Public Records Act (OPRA)
Contact Records by phone during regular hours, or by fax, mail or email at any time. For your convenience you may click on this link for access to the township OPRA form.
Report a crime or quality of life issue
Call 911 to report any emergency, or contact dispatch at 973-823-7022. Our 911 Public Service Answering Point and dispatch center is staffed by certified dispatchers 24 hours a day, every day. Non-emergency matters may be reported by regular mail, email, fax or by calling dispatch.
Apply for a Firearms ID Card or permit
Online application process through NJSP. Please apply using a computer you can print from. For questions about online application process, please call during regular business hours. Click here for application procedure for all applicants. For questions or help while completing the online applications contact: NJSP-Firearms Investigation Unit, 609-882-2000 ext. 2290. If you are having technical or payment-related issues, contact the NJ e-Government Services Help Desk @ 609-586-2600. To apply, visit www.njportal.com/NJSP/FARS
Specific questions regarding firearms regulation in New Jersey may be researched through the New Jersey State Police website. http://njsp.org/firearms/index.html
Civilian Carry Assessment and Range Evaluation (CCARE) Protocols
Application for accessible parking for persons with disabilities. Apply for temporary or permanent placards.
Temporary placard applications are available at Police Headquarters or on-line through the NJ Motor Vehicle Commission at www.state.nj.us/mvc/pdf/vehicles/SP-68.pdf. The application must be certified by a qualified medical practitioner and submitted to records during regular hours with a check or money order payable to “NJMVC” in the amount of $4.00. People with special needs may be accommodated by contacting records to make arrangements.
Applications for license plates and/or placards for persons with disabilities are at Police Headquarters or on-line through the NJ Motor Vehicle Commission at www.state.nj.us/mvc/pdf/vehicles/SP-41.pdf or at any NJMVC agency. These applications are submitted directly by the applicant through the MVC.
Additional information may be obtained at www.state.nj.us/mvc/vehicles/disability.htm
Schedule a tour of the police department, request a child safety seat inspection from a NHTSA certified inspector, request that my child or youth organization participate in a fingerprinting event, contact the police department regarding a community outreach initiative
Submit your request by email at police@hardyston.com or contact dispatch by phone.
Register my alarm for my home or business
Stop by records during regular hours or download the application and instructions here and submit the required form and payment through records.
Project Medicine Drop:
The drop box is located in the lobby of the Police Department and is accessible 24/7. Acceptable items are household medication, pills, capsules, patches, and pet medications. Syringes and liquids are unacceptable..
C.L.E.A.R. (Community Law Enforcement Addiction Recovery Program):
The Sussex County C.L.E.A.R. Program is a collaborative initiative offering free recovery coaching, improved access to treatment and family support for people with addiction. Hardyston Township Police Department participates in the Sussex County C.L.E.A.R. program. For information about C.L.E.A.R., visit www.clearprogram.org
Adults seeking recovery from substance use disorders can walk in through the main doors of the department Monday through Friday between the hours of 8am-5pm. Please bring a photo ID if possible. Tell the dispatcher at the reception window that you want to participate in the C.L.E.A.R. Program. A designated officer will bring you through the screening process which includes filling out some paperwork. If you are in possession of illegal substances and paraphernalia, the officer will take it from you and dispose of it appropriately. YOU WILL NOT BE HELD CRIMINALLY LIABLE. The officer will connect you to a trained Recovery Coach who will assist you in developing a plan for recovery. The Recovery Coach will help you understand your options, navigate treatment services, connect to other resources and provide support in following through. All pathways of recovery are supported and long-term follow up support is offered by the Recovery Coach.
The Hardyston Township Police Department equips each of its uniformed police officers with a body worn camera like the one pictured below. Body worn cameras are a valuable asset intended to document evidence and witness/suspect statements, improve officer training and performance, prevent and resolve citizen complaints and strengthen accountability and public trust.